
LLM/JD法学院 2023-02-28 17:16:22 0 admin



涉外律师之Law (LLM)


1.1 European Law (LLM) 欧盟法

European Law (LLM)

涉及内容:The programme distinguishes itself by its broad intra-disciplinary approach, covering institutional, constitutional as well as substantive law of the EU in addition to human rights from an EU perspective.欧洲共同体的结构、机构、法律渊源、立法程序;解释欧共体法实施、执行欧共体法的机制以及欧共体法与成员国法的互动关系;讲授统一市场的原则和实质性规则。

1.2 Public International Law (LLM) 国际公法

涉及内容:The programme focuses on the legal framework that governs international relations in an increasingly complex global society是主权国家国与国之间的法律。国际法不同于国家的法律制度,因为它主要的适用对象为国家而非公民,是规范政府组织之间关系的规则,有时也包括民族意识的法人和自然人等。国际法较无法约束各个国家,因为无法保障其法律体系始终顺利运作,因此缺乏有效制裁违法国家的制度。


二。涉外律师之专业选择:Advanced LLM

但是莱顿还有一种叫做Advanced LLM,录取难度会高于一般LLM,但是课程设置和含金量都更加高,而且全部都是英文授课。但是申请的对象基本是有工作经验的人(这里没有强制一定是全职工作经验,但是如果实习是缺口的小伙伴,赶紧补实习吧)

2.1 Air and Space Law (Advanced LL.M.) 空间法法学硕士

Air and Space Law (Advanced LL.M.)

Air law 一个班20人,而且air law是和Mc Gill并列为全球最好的两个专业,主要研究航空法,航空公司的运营和高端一点的月球空间法。研究的主要内容:

You will learn how to address a wide variety of issues that affect society, such as:

passenger safety 乘客安全,accident investigation 意外事故检测,environmental protection 环境保护,the use of drones 无人驾驶飞机的使用,fair competition 公平竞争

sustainability of space activities 空间活动的可持续性 militarisation of outer space外空军事化

2.2 European and International Business Law (Advanced LL.M.) 欧盟及国际商法法学硕士

The European Union is one of the most influential international organisations in the world. But how does it impact on governance, enterprise and innovation within a global economy, in the area of business law? And how does EU law interact with that of other international organisations?”

2.3 European and International Human Rights Law (Advanced LL.M.) 欧盟及国际人权法法学硕士

When human rights are violated by a particular state or society, is it more effective to use national, regional or international human rights protection mechanisms to address the issue? And how do different political, social and cultural settings affect the workings of these mechanisms?

2.4 European Tax Law (Advanced LL.M.) 欧洲税法法学硕士

The Advanced Studies in European Tax Law is a small-scale programme. It will provide you with a strong foundation in EU tax law and the option to specialise in direct taxation, indirect taxation or state aid law.

2.5 International Children’s Rights (Advanced LL.M.) 国际儿童权益法法学硕士

2.6 International Civil and Commercial Law (Advanced LL.M.)国际民商法法学硕士

2.7 International Criminal Law (Advanced LL.M.) 国际刑法法学硕士

2.8 International Tax Law (Advanced LL.M.)国际税法法学硕士

The International Tax Law programme offers insights into the main topics of international taxation. Some of the many subjects that are covered in the programme include:Tax Treaties,Transfer Pricing,EU Tax Law,International Corporate Tax Planning.

2.9 Public International Law (Advanced LL.M.) 国际公法硕士



1 申请背景:大家都知道荷兰的学校比较重视211的背景,尤其是阿大,RSM,TUD,TUE,都是非211比较难受的状况。但是这里特别强调莱顿大学对于211,985虽然会更加有优势,但是不像上面四个学校一样,双非无门的地步!!所以双非的孩子们也要大大胆胆的申请啊。。。

而关于申请的本科专业,除了法律而言Bachelor’s in Law (LL.B.) or a Postgraduate Diploma in Law from a recognised university; in exceptional cases a bachelor’s degree in a related discipline (e.g. in Political Science or equivalent) will be acceptable, provided that a substantial number of law courses are included in the bachelor’s programme. 这里强调一下,不是非法律专业不能申请,但是必须有法律课程的辅修,如果只是文科或者商科突然一拍脑门要申请,这个就得提供的了辅修成绩单了。


即便是双非,也要求是雅思7分。Proven English language proficiency, demonstrated by way of a TOEFL test (overall score of 100 Internet-based) or IELTS test (overall score of 7.0) or Cambridge English Proficiency certificate (CPE), evidenced by an appropriate test, occasionally complemented by a telephone interview.

In addition to the above-mentioned overall English test scores, minimum band scores of IELTS 6.0 (TOEFL 20) are required for all sub-sections.


但是申请的对象基本是有工作经验的人(这里没有强制一定是全职工作经验,但是如果实习是缺口的小伙伴,赶紧大二大三补实习吧)show documented evidence of relevant (work) experience, i.e., working for a law firm, internships etc. – this information should be included in your curriculum vitae.





3.4 女子监狱:这个就2个学生有过这个经历,很有亮点。




Starting in February 春季招生 10月15日

If you need a visa, residence permit or accommodation via Leiden University Housing Office, the deadline is 15 October.

If you do not need a visa, residence permit or accommodation via Leiden University Housing Office, the deadline is 1 December.

Starting in September 秋季招生 4月1日

If you need a visa, residence permit or accommodation via Leiden University Housing Office, the deadline is 1 April.

If you do not need a visa, residence permit or accommodation via Leiden University Housing Office, the deadline is 15 June.


Step 3: Collect the required documents


A personal statement must be submitted explaining why you want to follow the programme, why you have chosen to do so at Leiden University, and what makes you think you are a good candidate. The statement should be between 700 and 1,500 words.


The letter must be printed on letterhead paper, signed and bearing the full contact details of the referee (for verification purposes).Your referee should describe your skills, qualities and competencies.


7. 网申费用:All students with an international degree have to pay a non-refundable €100 application fee.

8. 关于司考:



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